Q&A With a Clemson History Professor & AYLIT Partner
Who is Rod Andrew?
Spirits From Our Travels
.“I drink to the general joy o’ the whole table,” says the usurping king in Shakespeare’s infamous Scottish play. Like Macbeth, enjoying a dram or two around the table with friends (and ghosts) can, indeed, lift spirits and enliven conversation. Here are a few we have imbibed throughout our travels in the UK…
An Interview With Cheryl
In this playful question-and-answer session, we get personal with Cheryl, our longtime friend and Administrative Director. Read on so you don’t miss her wit and humor.
Monster Lore
Did you know Scotland has a rich history of monster folklore? Most have heard of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, but that's the tip of the iceberg. If you're looking for a hair-raising story, you'll find one in Scotland.
Travel Like a Mother
“I grew up camping in the mountains of Tennessee or road-tripping to the beach in St. Augustine, Florida. We weren’t jet-setting to other countries on the regular….” Read on for Emmeline’s story about motherhood and her travels.
Helston Flora Day:
If the end of winter and the beginning of spring make you feel like dancing, you could be Cornish….Read on to learn more about this Cornish Tradition.
Better Than I Found It
“As a wee lass growing up in rural North Carolina in the Sixties, I lived in a small cinderblock house on a long dirt road surrounded by tobacco fields…” Read on for Cheryl’s blogpost about her life and way of travel.
A Conversation with our Founder
Our Marketing Director, Emmeline, enjoyed spending some time getting to know Jean Spearman, Founder of As You Like It Tours, on a deeper level.
Did you know?
Find out a little more about St. Patrick’s Day with these fun facts.
Travel is Self-Love
A sneak peek at AYLIT luxury.
Polgoon Vineyard
A sneak peek at one of the adventures we have planned for our upcoming tour of Cornwall.
Burns Night
On the evening of January 25, people all over the world (and especially in Scotland) will celebrate this most famous of Scots with a Burns Supper.
British Holiday Books & Films
Take a break from December’s hustle and bustle to cozy up with a cup of tea, a warm blanket, and variety of Christmas tales with British connections. Tis the Season!
Guy Fawkes Night
If you’re looking for a reason to stoke up the fire pit, November 5 is the perfect night to sit by the fire and burn things. Read on to find out why.
What Luggage Should You Lug?
Pro Tip: Try to pack everything into a carry-on suitcase to your destination. Here are a few of our favorites…
Responsible Travel
If seeing the world is important to you (and we hope it is!), then taking care of the world ensures there will be places to explore in years and decades to come.
Packing Tips
Let’s face it: packing light is a challenge, even for the experienced traveler. If you’re looking for a few hints to help you lighten the load…
5 Reasons to Travel on a Women’s Only Trip
Among the most popular travel adventures at As You Like It Tours are our “women-only” tours. In fact, they are so popular that over 20% of our women travelers are repeat adventurers!
Savoring Cornwall
At As You Like It Tours (AYLIT), we embrace the philosophy of “slow travel”—taking time to deeply savor the journey at a pace that restores rather than exhausts. And we’ve found that Cornwall is the ideal place to practice this philosophy.
What’s an Introvert Like Me Doing in a Place Like This?
Here’s the conundrum: You want to travel, but as an introvert the idea of spending a week with a crowd of people you don’t know is exhausting. Truth is, traveling with people you DO know is exhausting!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Shakespeare
For many literary aficionados (like myself), April 23 is practically a high holy day: The day of William Shakespeare’s birth in 1564 (and his death in 1616)…
AYLIT for the Two of You
Maybe you’re thinking about traveling overseas with your spouse. Just the two of you. Time to get away from the everyday grind, to rest and rekindle a bit…
The New Normal
COVID-19 has changed a lot about how we do life. Even now, when the virus is reasonably quiet and most folks are out and about, many things we did (or didn’t do) prior to the 2020 outbreak have shifted. Travel, for instance…
Sea Shanties: Songs from the Sea
In 1937, Snow White exhorted her animal friends to whistle while they worked: “It won’t take long when there’s a song to help you set the pace.”…